'Professional until the final whistle … then we Drink' (Marjon Rugby, 2013)

Welcome To Marjon Rugby Football Club

Welcome to Marjon Rugby Football Club's website. Marjon RFC is a club formed of students from the University of St. Mark & St. John Plymouth, who have a passion for rugby. The club takes a professional approach to its conduct in regards to succeeding on the pitch but still enjoy the social aspect of being a University sports club. Marjon RFC aspires to be the best University team in Plymouth and the South West whilst running more as a family club than a squad of individuals. Marjon RFC have access to the best Rugby facilities in the South West with a new full size RFU regulation compliant 3G all-weather pitch available to the club to play and train on. The club also works closely alongside its Local community partner club Plymouth Marjon RFC, where members from the club volunteer their time to coach the junior sides and even play for their men's team on a Saturday.


Poor discipline undermines bright start for the 2s

Aberystwyth 2nd  XV 31-19 Marjon 2nd XV

After the 6 and half hour coach journey to Aberystwyth, with very little entertainment aside from resting the eyes, the usual ‘Marjon slow start’ was what was expected from the travelling side. However, in extremely windy conditions in the north of Wales, it was the home team that found themselves on the back foot from the start. With the welsh boys dominating in the pack, it was recognised early on that the backs would need to be used if Marjon were to be successful in the match and there were a few breaks made by strong running lines in the first 15 minutes. Eventually, one of these breaks told with an offload inside the opposition 22 from fly half Josh Cousens bouncing kindly into the hands of debutant Dave Broughton who brushed off the would be tacklers to crash home under the posts. The extras were added by Cousens. The Marjon backs continued to threaten but the next try was down to some hard forward work. After a quick tap resulted in a high tackle close to the line, Alex Elcock ran a strong line off the following ruck and with the help of his team-mates, crossed the line to touch down. This considerably harder kick from out wide was not converted by fly half Cousens. Although a penalty was then scored by the home side, it was the sin bin given to 13 Will Fallows, for constant penalties from the whole team, which damaged the Marjon side more than anything. This yellow card was received 5 minutes before the half time whistle, meaning that Marjon would have to play the first 5 minutes of the second half with 14 men. Half time score 12-3 to Marjon.

The second half could not have started worse for the visitors. After the kick off was allowed to bounce and dribble into the Marjon 22 for a line-out, Aberystwyth then stole the ball from that line-out and mauled over to score instantly. There was more hard work from their forwards and long kicking with the wind at their backs which resulted in another quick fire try for the home side. A second yellow card for Marjon then followed due to full back Anthony Cox talking back to the referee on more than one occasion. This further ten minutes down to 14 men hit hard, and Aberystwyth managed to score two more tries in this time, although Marjon did manage a try of their own through the inside centre Matt Collins, as he swooped brilliantly to claim a bouncing ball and race round the defence to dot down. This was also converted by Josh Cousens which gave the away team hope of a comeback with the score at 24-19. However, this proved to be a consolation as a sustained period of pressure led to Aberystwyth scoring a try from a scrum with ten minutes to go.

There were no further scores and Marjon failed to recover the deficits that were suffered in the two periods when they were down to 14 men. Despite some clear positives, discipline was the major downfall of the Marjon side, who need to learn to use their captain to communicate with the referee. They will be looking to do this at home to Southampton 4th team this Wednesday.

1st XV survive the elements to come away with important away win

1st XV:

The 1st XV travelled to Exeter on Wednesday to face a typically well drilled Exeter 6th XV side.

On a clear but windy day it was never going to be a day for fast backs play, this became apparent from an early stage in the match when the flowing game Marjon were trying to play was not coming off for them. Lots of mistakes and a lack of aggression lead to a scrappy affair with Exeter taking a slim lead at 3-0 as a result of scoring a simple penalty.

After the half time break Marjon realised that playing a tighter game was going to be the only way of getting forward. And the introduction of some experienced bench players allowed Marjon to retain greater amount of possession and push towards the try line. Man of the Match ‘Keen’ Marcus Phillips was key around the park and held the team together at the break down and the introduction of Matthew Dowrick added a great edge going forward. Marjon eventually scored a try on the 72nd minute after some patient forward play with Phillips placing the ball down. The try was then converted well by Billy Messingham in very difficult conditions. The game ended 3-7, another good win for Marjon 1st XV


1st Team off to a flying start – Marjon 1st XV 32 – 3 Winchester 1st

Marjon Started their season strongly on Wednesday against a travelling Winchester side.

The first half was a demolition job where the power of the Marjon pack and absolute ruthlessness left Winchester stunned and dazed. Tries from Marcus Phillips, Rhys Salisbury and Ben Allcock and two conversions and two penalties from Tom Finnie gave Marjon a 25 – 0 lead at half time.

The Second half was a different story as Marjon took their foot off the gas. The scrums going uncontested, due to numerous front row injuries to Winchester, didn’t help the flow of the game and took some of the tenacity away from Marjon. Still Winchester never looked like threatening but did manage to kick an easy penalty from under the posts to make the score 25-3. In the last 10 minutes of the game Marjon once again piled on the pressure and pinned Winchester on their own line and were rewarded for their efforts with a final try scored by Aaron Stapleton and converted by Tom Finnie to take the score to 32-3.

Marjon 1st XV travel to Exeter next Wednesday to face their 6th XV and hope to continue the winning run.

Marjon 2nd XV will have their 1st match of the season away to Aberystwyth on Wednesday and hope to make a strong start there.


Sponsorship update

Marjon RFC would like to thank Terry Gyles from Snap-on tools for his kind sponsorship donation to our club. The considerable fee he has contributed will go toward helping our club move forward and secure kit for the new season. As a thank you we have presented Mr Gyles with a club shirt.



If anyone knows of any others potential sponsors please contact Levent Bulut Levent.m.a.bulut@gmail.com


The 1st batch of Kit is in and is looking incredible. Every player in the squad will be required to have at least the Players Kit package! Get your order in now!!!!!!!!!! CLICK HERE FOR CLUB SHOP





Less than two weeks until the squad will meet again to start training and preparing for the exciting new season ahead.

If you still have not purchased kit then please click here and go to the club shop to get that done.

Keep an eye on the professional matches to hep get your head round the new scrumaging laws.

The new 3G pitch wont be ready when we get back but we will have grassed areas until it is complete which were hoping should be round October time!

Interviews for the new coach will be held on the 1st week of September, once he is know to us we will announce the position on here.

On the 17th of September the Club will be running a Fun day, where we will have a chilled session of touch and a BBQ so new squad members can get to know the squad. All welcome who want to play a bit of Rugby!


Deadline day

Deadline day for ordering kit to get it in for the time you get back to Uni. ORDER NOW!!!!!!!

any problems email or Facebook message Dan Gyles or Max Snowdon.




Order kit now to receive it at first training session.

The first order for kit is nearly ready to be processed, so if you haven’t ordered yet and still need to do so get it done ASAP so you have it along with every one else. The kit is of great quality and will be a requirement of every Marjon RFC member.

Click on the picture to go to the club shop page


7 Weeks till training

Seven week to the day Until our first training session. In the mean time all player need to be getting them selves into shape. Join a Gym or go pre season with your local club but make sure your ready to hit the ground running in September.

New kit on its way

New Scrum Laws

Make sure your aware of the new scrummaging Laws


Check out the IRB website for Details
