'Professional until the final whistle … then we Drink' (Marjon Rugby, 2013)

Club Committee

Club Captains – Josh Cousens & Will Hall

Two of the clubs more senior Members, in their 3rd year at Marjon Josh and Will are veterans of the University rugby scene. They are looking to use their experience to lead the club to being successful at all levels. The leadership these lad will show might not always be seen by all members of the club but the are key to the success of the club on and off the pitch.

Josh and Will

Treasurer – Levent Bulut

Levent enters his 2nd year at Marjon with plenty of playing experience under his belt however what you will see is that not only can he control a scrum but he can control the clubs wallet. All money coming in and out of the club will go through him and if you need to pay up he’s your man, but I’m sure if you need to pay up he will find you before you find him. He is also in charge of Sponsorship so if you know of any sponsors interested Levent’s your man.


Secretary – Callum Browse

This Secretary defiantly doesn’t wear a pencil skirt (well not on weekdays anyway), Callum is a key organiser on and off the pitch and as secretary he does all the boring but important paper work. This includes membership and players details, so if you have any queries regarding membership or need to sign up see Callum.


1st XV Captain – Max Snowdon

Introducing your leader! Max is the epitome of passion and pride, and even when the chips are down he plays with the same heart and commitment. Max is keen to ensure the 1st XV gain promotion and win varsity, whilst maintaining a professional attitude throughout the season.


1st XV Vice Captain – Dan Gyles

Dan Gyles more affectionately know as ‘Gylo’ is a real leader on and off the pitch, whilst he will be there to support his Captain on the pitch he will equally be delegating the running of the club off the pitch. This dubbed ‘father figure’ will keep you on your toes and will never shy away when it comes to the crunch.


2nd XV Captain – Ben Lloyd

Ben better known as ‘Lloydy’ is a keen rugby man. As a fresher he was a regular and committed member of the 2nd XV squad and when presented with the opportunity to Captain the team this season he leapt at the chance to the delight of the clubs members. Once you get past his broad Bristonian accent it will be clear why Lloydy is your leader.


2nd XV Vice Captain – Aaron Messenger

Aaron is not only Vice Captain to translate for Lloydy’s thick accent but to lead from the front on the field. A late comer to the squad last year this front row hooker showed his talents straight away. He is a skilful forward with a solid rugby mind and possess great leadership qualities. A player to really look up to this season.


Social Secretary – Dave Fairless

Dave last season was not only an excellent servant on the pitch but a real demon off of it! He soon earned him self the nick name ‘Cheese greater’ for his social antics during Freshers, and gained a warped kind of respect from the whole squad. Sadly Dave’s season was cut short by a tragic leg break and it will be a little while before he is fit to play again, but in light of this it made him the perfect candidate for the job as Social Secretary. Be prepared for any thing … with Dave in charge of your socials things are going to get messy.


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